Looking back: Network & Drinks November and Farewell Esther

Every last Thursday of the month we host a networking event for the Dutch Space Industry. The November edition was a very warm and special one. Largely because of the gathering of community members that wanted to share their thanks with Esther Peters, and the many networking opportunities that our network events offer you.


The ESA Technology Broker Competition where you can win up to 7.500 Euros (deadline 5 December)

Have you had a light-bulb moment relating to space technology applications? Then you are in luck, as you can be in with a chance of progressing your idea this year by taking part in this new technology transfer competition. SBIC Noordwijk and NL Space Campus are now the ESA Technology Broker for the Netherlands, and we invite you to submit your bright ideas and be in with a chance to win a cash prize!

The new and disruptive ESA BIC start-up Revolv Space

The mission ofΒ Revolv SpaceΒ is to enable continuous operations for small satellites. These machines, with a mass between 1kg and 200kg, can effectively use only 20-30% of the time they spend in orbit to actually provide services, like Earth observation or telecommunications. Revolv Space develops solutions to increase the efficiency of small satellite missions.


A tender for GRC, looking for a new facility manager and logistic service company

The objective of this Invitation to Tender is to conclude one Framework contract for the provision of Facilities Management and Logistics services for the GRC. It covers the provision of Facilities Management and Logistics (FML) Services for the Galileo Reference Centre such as ensuring the management and distribution of the building utilities, monitoring the building systems, maintenance of the facilities, and on-site logistics.

Go to Tender


Celebrating the 10-year anniversary of the NSO Satellite Data Portal

Since 2012, NSO has been purchasing satellite data from the Netherlands centrally and then making it available free of charge to innovative companies and institutions.Β What successes has this brought? What awaits us? Ten years of Satellite Data Portal will be published in ten user stories (in Dutch).

Go to the Satellite Data Portal (Dutch).


The very large gathering of community members for Esther’s farewell

After more than three years of in which she strengthened the NL Space Campus ecosystem and community, Esther Peters has decided not to aspire a next term.Β The connection and energy she brought to the community can be seen in the success of NL Space Campus Network & Drinks, therefore it was only fitting to make this edition a special one. Meindert Stolk, Jorg Wehner (in addition to Torben Henriksen who was at the ESA Minsterial Conference), Roberto ter Hark and Harm van de Wetering, in addition to our own team and that of SBIC Noordwijk, all had prepared a personal word of thanks and who have supported Esther and NL Space Campus in the past three years.

Short word from Esther: β€œI really did not expect a farewell on this scale and with such beautiful words of appreciation. I am very grateful for the collaboration and the things we achieved together in the past years. Beautiful to see the vibrant community we have created together. Stay curious and connected and all the best to all of you!”

If you are excited to grow your network in the Space Industry, we would like to invite you the next edition of NL Space Campus Network & Drinks, which due to the holiday season, will take place in the new year on 26 January.


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