LDE NL Space Campus Summer School: Questions & Answers

The LDE NL Space Campus Summer School is still accepting applications for its final spots, inviting students from diverse academic backgrounds to explore the space industry. This programme offers a thorough introduction to the space sector, featuring company visits, engaging workshops, and practical hands-on projects. Read on for a detailed Q&A about the application process, schedule, and what to expect from this programme.

Application Process 


Q: Who can apply for the LDE NL Space Campus Summer School? 

A: The Summer School is open to students only, not working professionals. You don’t need any prior knowledge of space. The programme is designed for students with diverse interests and backgrounds who are eager to learn about the space industry. 


Q: What are the criteria for participation? 

A: You need to have a valid ID, bring your passport, and be at least a first-year student. It’s okay if you’ve just finished your exams or completed your master’s degree. 


Q: How do I apply? 

A: If you meet the criteria, you can apply with a motivation letter. Once selected, you will receive a confirmation email with a registration link. After paying the registration fee, your spot will be confirmed. 


Schedule, Locations, and Accommodations 


Q: What does the schedule look like? 

A: The schedule includes visits to companies and university locations, workshops, and project work. Each day is packed with activities and learning opportunities. A detailed schedule will be shared with participants. 


Q: Are meals and transportation included? 

A: The registration fee covers most meals and transportation as indicated in the schedule. Breakfast is not included, and you may need to arrange your own transportation for some short trips. 


Q: What about accommodation? 

A: Participants need to find their own accommodation. We recommend staying in Leiden, as the team will be based there. Hotels in Leiden cost around €100 per night. You can also explore cheaper options or share rooms with other participants. 


Participation and Expectations


Q: What do I need to bring? 

A: You need a valid ID, professional clothing for certain days, and a laptop (except on the first day). 


Q: What do I get out of the summer school? 

A: You’ll receive a certificate, a mission patch, and the opportunity to build your resume and career. More importantly, you’ll build relationships and network within the space industry. 


Q: Can I miss a part of the schedule? 

A: It’s okay if you need to miss a session for a valid reason, such as an exam or a mandatory presentation. However, we encourage full participation to maximize your experience and benefits from the programme. If you have specific concerns, please talk to the team, and we’ll try to accommodate your needs. 


Q: What if I have a specific dietary requirement? 

A: Please inform us of any dietary requirements during the registration process, and we will do our best to accommodate them. 


Q: What kind of projects will we be working on? 

A: Projects will cover various topics like drones, space instrumentation, satellite data, space business, space law, and earth observation. You will have the freedom to choose a project that interests you. 


Funding and Refund 


Q: Are there scholarships available? 

A: Currently, there are no scholarships available as the programme is already  subsidised by the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus universities and the NL Space Campus. However, this may change in future editions. 


Q: Is the registration fee refundable if I cannot find accommodation or need to cancel? 

A: The registration fee is generally non-refundable. We advise finding accommodation before paying the registration fee to avoid any issues. However, in specific exceptional circumstances, such as unforeseen personal emergencies, we might consider refunds on a case-by-case basis. Since our process isn’t equipped for easy refunds, it’s best to confirm all your arrangements before finalizing your payment. 


Additional Questions 


Q: What should I do if I have more questions? 

A: If you think of any questions, feel free to send an email to summerschool@nlspacecampus.eu. We will be happy to assist you. 



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