We’re excited to announce the next edition of the Brabant Space Network, in collaboration with the Brabantse Ontwikkelings Maatschappij, the BOM! Join us for a third time as we host a cross-over event with the BOM aerospace and defense community on April 4th at Gate 2. This time again with 3 exciting pitch presentations from:
- Kees Buijsrogge, Director High Tech for Civil & Military Space atΒ TNO
- Robert Hughes, CEO ofΒ Aircision
It is our believe that space is the next frontier for innovation, design and entrepreneurship. You are invited to this space network event in Gilze-Rijen!
Supporting and encouraging the growth of space-focused businesses in Noord Brabant, this is the platform for the local space community to come together and share their experiences.
For space professionals, entrepreneurs, students and anyone who is interested in space technology & art, entrepreneurship, and innovation, the Brabant Space Network is the perfect place to connect, network, and be inspired.
We look forward to seeing you there!