Category: Network

We are fascinated by space. It’s what connects us all. And it’s happening here! Find out all the latest ins and outs about NL Space Campus, the endeavours of our members and the space sector in general.

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ESATechBrokerNL Tech Needs Event At SBIC 180325 Banner

This article was originally published on ESA Technology Broker website on 10 February 2025. You can…

Stellar Space Industries is thrilled to announce the upcoming establishment of a Space Simulation Chamber at…

Showcase Big 01

Bouwen voor space; unieke kans om bij te dragen aan de space revolutie Space technologie en…

In the middle of NL Space Week, the space community gathered at Space Expo for the…

In our mission to β€˜Connect the Curious’, NL Space Campus organises hackathons to boost space innovation…

The June edition of Network & Drinks was the final gathering before the summer break. From…

Low Res 3AW 5656

A highlight of the May edition of the NL Space Campus Network & Drinks was the…

Low Res 3AW 5696

The NL Space Campus Network & Drinks event, which took place on 30 May, provided professionals…

As April drew to a close, the NL Space Campus Network & Drinks event once again…

The first spring edition of the Network and Drinks event in 2024 united members of the…


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