Join the Hackathon Act in Space 2022 in Leiden – November 18-19


SBIC Noordwijk together with PLNT organizes the ActInSpace Hackathon 2022 in the Netherlands. The hackathon will be held physically at PLNT in Leiden (Langegracht 70, 2312 NV Leiden) on Friday 18 & Saturday 19 November 2022. ActInSpace takes place simultaneously all over the world and the local winners will have a chance to compete in the international finals in France. One of the main prizes is a zero gravity flight!

ActInSpace is an international innovation contest uniting over 100 cities across 5 continents. Designed for students but open to everyone, ActInSpace is an event targeting creativity and aiming to cultivate student entrepreneurial initiatives. Teams have 24 hours to imagine and design innovative services and products derived from space technologies and space acquired data. This initiative is designed to consolidate the space sector’s vibrant image and show how space technologies are supporting applications that reach into all areas of our daily lives.

The participants can choose from more than 20 challenges, divided into 4 categories:
#Business in everyday life: Get your business off the ground using space technologies
#Space4.0: Become a NewSpace player and improve the space sector thanks to ‘earth technologies’
#Humanitarian: Find a way to make the Space Sector serve humanitarian causes
#Fly to the moon and Beyond: Dreaming big, Innovate even bigger

1st prize

A ticket to the international Act In Space final in Cannes // A spot in SBIC Noordwijk’s Ignition Programme to validate your business idea // 3 months of office space at SBIC Noordwijk // Invitation to join the Sandbox – student startup zone at PLNT // 3 business coaching sessions – how to continue to develop your business // 3 pitch coaching sessions – create a professional pitch deck


2nd prize

3 months of community membership at SBIC Noordwijk // Invitation to join the Sandbox – student startup zone at PLNT // 3 business coaching sessions – how to continue to develop your business


3rd prize

Invitation to join the Sandbox – student startup zone at PLNT // A one-year subscription to Ruimtevaart Magazine by NVR

More info and register

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