Last Week’s visit of Innovation Cluster Drachten was a success

Last Week’s visit of Innovation Cluster Drachten was a success

As NL Space Campus, we welcome visits from different kinds of area’s and organisations. To connect to our cluster, community and exchange ideas. Of course these days digital meetings are a normal part of our daily lives and because of the current situation this visit was digital. Last week’s visit from Innovation Cluster Drachten proved to us that inspiration and connections can also happen in online form. A short recap of the visit. Last week we upped the game by trying a digital NL Space Campus tour. Our visitor was Innovation Cluster Drachten. A Cluster that supports and cooperates in 5 big high-tech system areas: Big Data, 3D printing, Robotics, Visual Intelligence and Renewable Propulsion. And with success, under the label ‘we are part of the smart’, 23 high-tech companies are connected to the cluster. A number of 3500 professionals strengthen the high-tech backbone in the northern provinces, where competition has been replaced by cooperation and joint efforts.

Esther Peters introduced the NL Space Campus mission and vision, and an outline of the campus development. Member of the IC Drachten delegation, Mayor Jan Rijpstra of Smallingerland and former mayor of Noordwijk was very well informed and prepared for this digital Campus tour. Not surprising, he confirmed many statements of Esther on the importance of political and governmental support for ambitious initiatives like creating a Tech Campus and an active community.

A high energy digital Campus visit made the experience very positive and everyone was excited to go for a trip to Drachten very soon. This event also resulted in new and reinforced connections.

Interested to come visit the NL Space Campus with your organisation? Or join us on the visit to Innovation Cluster Drachten? Send an email at

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