
We are fascinated by space. It’s what connects us all. And it’s happening here! Find out all the latest ins and outs about NL Space Campus, the endeavours of our members and the space sector in general.

Latest news

— English version below— Contract voor prototype ontwikkeling getekend en ontwikkeling is gestart 6 december 2024…

On 28 November, NL Space Campus, together with SBIC Noordwijk, hosted Network & Drinks November; Sinterklaas…


The European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA) invites proposals for Facility Management and Logistics…

Showcase Big 01

Bouwen voor space; unieke kans om bij te dragen aan de space revolutie Space technologie en…

WhatsApp Image 2024 11 27 At 19.31.43

Unmanned Valley, Greenport Duin- en Bollenstreek, and NL Space Campus have received a prestigious award for…

During NL Space Week 2024, the One Space Hub (OSH) Platform was officially launched to help…

The latest edition of Network & Drinks brought the NL Space Campus community together for a…

The Dutch edition of the 8th CASSINI Hackathon will be held in Zoetermeer at the Dutch…

As part of NL Space Week, NL Space Campus, in partnership with the ITC Faculty of…

Last week at the International Astronautical Congress (IAC) in Milan the global space industry gathered. Young…


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