Earth Observation for Impact 2024

NL Space Campus, together with ITC faculty of the University of Twente and the Netherlands Space Office, organises Earth Observation Day in The Netherlands during NL Space Week, to highlight the importance of Dutch Earth Observation programmes and activities for society and economy. The EO4IMPACT event focuses on connecting Academia and Industry with the end-users […]

NL Space Campus Network & Drinks XL

In October, NL Space Campus Network&Drinks XL is part of NL Space Week in The Netherlands. Every last Thursday of the month NL Space Campus hosts our monthly networking event NL Space Campus Network & Drinks, together with Space Business Innovation Centre Noordwijk (SBIC) and other partners. We connect our community, welcome new community members (including […]

ESA Open Day for people with a disability

Save the date for this year’s annual ESA Open Day in the Netherlands for people with a disability, which will take place on Saturday 5 October, at the Agency’s ESTEC technical centre in Noordwijk. The venue will be our European Space Research and Technology Centre, ESTEC, which is the largest space establishment in Europe, offering […]

Open Day Old Observatory

As it does every fall, the Old Observatory opens all the way to the public! On 5 October, you can enjoy workshops and demonstrations all day long in the various rooms at the Old Observatory. You can take a tour of our historic telescopes, join workshops, or visit our exhibition. Each room in the building […]

ESA Open Days 2024

Save the date! This year’s annual ESA Open Days in the Netherlands will take place on Saturday and Sunday, 5-6 October, at ESA ESTEC in Noordwijk. Registration for both events to attend will be opened later this summer; keep an eye on this webpage and ESA social media for further details. This will be the […]

Theatre: You’re too cute to be an astronaut (in Dutch)

Een onewomanshow over de tweede Amerikaanse vrouw in de ruimte Word gelanceerd naar de jaren 80 en ontmoet astronaut Judy Resnik. Met een PhD in elektrotechniek richt ze zich vol overgave op het maken van de allereerste robotarm voor in de ruimte. In Amerika wordt ze de tweede vrouwelijke astronaut ooit. Een stempel dat anderen […]

Special unveiling Walk of Space 2024


Since 2013, a Walk of Space is being created on Noordwijk’s Koningin Wilhelmina Boulevard. The first tile was one with Wubbo Ockels’s astronaut boot print. Since then, thirteen more tiles with hand- and footprints of famous astronauts have been laid. This year and in the coming years, new astronaut prints are set to follow. During […]

ASE 2024

This year, something unique is going to happen in our country, in the field of space travel. Nearly a hundred astronauts from all over the world are coming to the Netherlands. A historical event. The astronauts catch up with each other and various experts share their knowledge. And young people show how they view the […]