Nl Space Campus Voucher Programme

The voucher programme from NL Space Campus provides startups and established small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) the opportunity to qualify for a subsidy for further development and growth. Voucher programmes are helpful instruments that assist young companies in refining their ideas and building successful businesses. This plan offers financial support and facilitates access to specialised knowledge, contributing to a dynamic and innovative space sector. Explore the opportunities available through the NL Space Campus voucher programme!

Advisory Voucher


100% subsidy

The advisory vouchers offer subsidies for hiring experts and accessing facilities or services to support early-stage experiments and innovation challenges of SMEs.

Establishment voucher


50% subsidy / 50% own contribution

The establishment voucher provides financial support for renting or furnishing office or production facilities at NL Space Campus.

Pilot voucher


50% subsidy / 50% own contribution

The pilot voucher supports the use of experts and facilities for the further development of innovations and company growth. It is typically used in a later stage of the innovation process.

More information

For more information or to schedule an intake interview, please contact Maaike Smelter at
or Marc Sandelowsky at

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